How to Develop a Strong Marketing Plan for Your Business

 How to create a marketing strategy and measure your results - FutureLearn

Getting a sale from a prospect is hard. You have to answer objections, offer a money back guarantee, write good copy, target your advertising correctly, have good copywriting skills, and need a strong follow up backend marketing campaign. With all that being said, I still think you can get sales on autopilot if you know what you're doing.

The first thing that you will need to have success in your business is a strong marketing plan. I don't mean a "business plan" where you go down to SCORE and they help you with finding lenders for your business. I'm talking about a tried and tested marketing plan that you can do on a daily basis that will increase your sales and profits simply and easily.

What should you include in your marketing plan? Well, it should contain a list of step-by-step marketing chores that you should be doing on a daily basis. This includes things like running new ads, getting new customers, following up on existing customers, creating new marketing pieces, and etc. With a strong plan like this, it should be easy to earn more money in your business.

If this shocks you, then you should know that you shouldn't be shocked. This is business, and if you want to succeed in today's economic climate, you have to come correct with your marketing skills. What... did you expect it would be a walk in the park to make money in your business? Unfortunately, this couldn't be further than the truth.

The fact of the matter is that 95% of all new businesses that startup this year will fail. And if you don't want to be included in this group of people, I suggest you learn how to market your business successfully without fail. You need a routine, daily habit when marketing your products and services.

One great way to earn more money in your business is to offer sales. Give your customers a discount of your products and services, and watch as your income skyrockets. I can remember when our local JCPenney store had something called a "sidewalk sale". They offered their not so selling products on the sidewalk of their building, and a lot of people took advantage of it.

They made it known via their television ads, but the promotion itself was a hit. You can run similar campaigns in your business to bring the customers into your place of business. Make it known via TV, newspaper, radio, posters, and banner ads that you are having a sale, and that the items that you are selling are going to be retired.

I think if you can do this, you can have the utmost success in your business starting right away. Sales are a fast way to earn money from the products that are semi-popular to popular. So you have an opportunity to showcase your wonderful products, all while earning money on items that must go.



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